Big Book Guide:
Journal to Declutter and Organize!
Decluttering and Simplifying our lives, while increasing our living space and decreasing mental clutter.
Journaling helps us plan and envision a successful outcome.
The combination of journaling and simplifying is powerful!
Journaling helps us set goals, reflect on where we’ve been, set good habits, and recognize our accomplishments!
This beautiful and inspiring journal will teach the 6 steps to "Do More Living", provide tips for every room in your home, share motivational quotes, and provide spaces for "before and after" photos (so you can see how much you've accomplished) and guides you in the process of simplifying life while decluttering and organizing.
Ready? Set! Be Inspired!
This "Big Book" journal is large (8.5" X 11")
Special sections on the psychology of simplifying, decluttering, journaling, the importance of tracking progress, and “letting go” of things.
Spaces for “before and after” photos, tracking progress, and identifying roadblocks during the process of decluttering and simplifying home, work, and life. Helps readers observe the methods that work best for them, as not everyone organizes in the same way. Beautiful quotes that inspire as you address each area of your home.​